Six Ways To Deal With Difficult Mental Health Days

It happens to the best of us. We have that kind of day, where all the frustrating things that can possibly happen do end up happening. From technology refusing to cooperate to spilling food on your clothes, the car making a funny noise to forgetting to put your lunch in the fridge until hours later, frustrating mental health days happen to lots of people on a daily basis. The trick is finding ways to de-escalate yourself and feel better. Here are things I do to keep my mental health in check when the events of the day leave me feeling extremely unhappy.

  • Do Breathing Exercises. One of my favorite breathing exercises is known as “calming candles.” To do this, I hold four fingers out in front of me. Afterwards, I take a deep breath and blow on one of my fingers, pretending it’s a birthday candle. Once the candle is blown out, I put that finger down. I repeat until all my fingers are put down. Another exercise I do is “take three.” In this exercise, I breathe in to the count of three, hold the breath to the count of three, and exhale to the count of three. I repeat these steps three times and I have noticed how much better my mood feels afterwards.
  • Consume Nutritious Foods. I can speak from experience that it’s easy to indulge in food that isn’t the healthiest when your mood isn’t the best. However, eating chocolate bars to cope with a frustrating day is like putting a Band-Aid on a broken wrist – it will provide little solution to your stress. Some healthy treats I recommend to get the energy to start feeling better include yogurt, blackberries, and apple slices.
Fresh blackberries are a snack that I enjoy (Credit: Quora)
  • Take A Break. This can look different for everyone. It might mean watching a TV show. It might mean looking up photos of puppies. It might mean listening to the same song on repeat for hours. Whatever you like to do for a break, doing so will make you feel better.
  • Take A Nap. When I was a kid and I started having big feelings, my parents would advise me to take a nap. This is advice I have taken with me into adulthood. Sleeping like a log has been beyond beneficial to my mental health, and I recommend it to anyone.
Taking a nap will help you feel better (Credit: CNBC)
  • Get Some Exercise. It might be something that is tricky to do when you’re moody. However, it really does make a difference. Whether you’re just walking around your apartment building or hiking a popular trail, getting some fresh air will lead to a happy mood.
  • Talk It Out. Finding a crying shoulder will really help you feel better. Whether it’s a sibling or a significant other, a coworker or a counselor, telling someone what’s going on will lighten your load. If you would rather write out your worries, it’s okay to do so.
Journaling or talking can help you feel better when you’re having a day (Credit: Your Visual Journal)

What do you like to do to feel better after a rough day? Let me know in the comments below.

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